
Our latest thought leadership and company updates.

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We've had a big year at JOC with a growing team of incredible people and exciting projects to match. Thanks to everyone who we've had the pleasure of working with in 2016. Want to collaborate? Please get in touch via > <  OR...

#JOCPanels – Entrepreneurs of the City

#JOCPanels – Entrepreneurs of the City

At JOC we're fortunate to come across many entrepreneurs working in the Built Environment. These innovators are both inspiring and aspiring, often chasing their own journey as much as they are changing the industry, and for the better! It's this passion for their...

PlannerTech: 3 trends to watch in 2017

PlannerTech: 3 trends to watch in 2017

The latest PlannerTech column looks at 3 trends happening in NSW (Australia) right now! These trends are set to impact on our overall experience of the city, but also on us as built environment professionals. After starting PlannerTech in 2013, this will be...

Panel: Art in Public Space

John was recently invited to speak on a panel, Composing Cities: Art in Public Space, hosted by SAMAG as part of their monthly seminar series. The sold out event discussed ways in which public art has meaning in contemporary society and the controversy involved with...

Smart City Strategy Engagement | Newcastle

Smart City Strategy Engagement | Newcastle

Over the past few weeks, JOC Consulting has been working with David Lock Associates and Cred Consulting on a new Smart City Strategy for Newcastle (NSW). Newcastle City Council has commissioned the Strategy to investigate ways in which the region, and city, can be...

A new plaza for Hurstville CBD

Georges River Council (previously Hurstville City Council) is creating a new urban plaza in the heart of Hurstville. The new 'Hurstville Central Plaza' will include Diment Way and the building (to be demolished) located at 296 Forest Road. Landscape Architects, JMD...

Day Street Design Palette

In collaboration with Sprout Landscape Architecture, JOC Consulting was recently commissioned by Penrith City Council to develop a 'palette' of urban interventions for an aged retail strip at Day Street, Colyton. The project formed part of a pilot program, Local...

Talk: CBA Innovation Lab

Talk: CBA Innovation Lab

John was recently invited to speak at the pop up CBA Innovation Lab in Melbourne. He was asked to discuss how we can create smarter regions and highlighted case studies, looking at cities and businesses, that were optimising technology to improve their operations and...

Article: Australia’s newest Smart City

My latest article for the Planning Institute of Australia's New Planner magazine looking at Australia's newest Smart City - Lake Macquarie. Extract - "The ‘Lake Mac Smart City, Smart Council Digital Economy Strategy’ delivers a bottom up approach to an often...

‘A City for People’ Workshop | Wollongong

In partnership with Gehl Architects, Wollongong City Council (WCC) has developed 'A City for People, Wollongong Public Spaces Public Life', a draft strategy and action plan to revitalise and improve the City Centre. An important component of the Strategy has been...

Kit of Parts | Transport for NSW

Kit of Parts | Transport for NSW

JOC Consulting is excited to be working with Archrival and Transport for NSW to deliver a 'Kit of Parts' for activating underutilised space during the construction of the CBD and South East Light Rail projects. The 'Kit of Parts', known as ZigZag, will comprise...

JOC Year in Review | 2015

With another big year coming to an end, thanks to everyone who I’ve had the pleasure of working with and to those people that continue to inspire the work of JOC Consulting. If you’re interested in anything you see in the above graphic please get in touch via...

Panel: ‘Design as Disruptor’

Panel: ‘Design as Disruptor’

Last week I joined a panel for IxDA Sydney titled 'Design as Disruptor'. The event was organised as part of the University of Sydney Architecture, Design and Planning Thursday night lecture (TNL) series and was positioned around the following question: "The...

New Park for Penrith

New Park for Penrith

Over the coming weeks JOC Consulting will be working with JMD Design and Penrith City Council to develop concepts and final designs for a new park on High Street, Penrith. Earlier this year, Council endorsed the development of a permanent park at the western end of...

@John_OCal: 1 of 10 Instagrammers to Follow

Over the past few years, I've spoken about the value of instagram, the inspiration gained from its creative community and using it as a [new] tool for communication. I'm a big fan and was honoured when asked by Time Out Sydney to join other local instagrammers for...

Last Lecture at UWS College

Last Lecture at UWS College

After 3 years lecturing at UWS College, it's time to move on and focus on some exciting projects happening for JOC Consulting. I'd like to thank the inspiring staff at UWS (in particular Theresa Wyborn, Mona Shrestha, Chris Roffey and Valeria Pashkova) and the...

Periscope & Urban Planning

"Just before you thought we couldn’t get more ‘instant’ online, along comes a new app from Twitter to live-stream your every move (or lack thereof). Thanks to Periscope we can now watch someone having a BBQ, another person singing to Taylor Swift in the...

2015 NSW Creative Achievement Awards

2015 NSW Creative Achievement Awards

On Monday night I was honoured to be a finalist at the 2015 NSW Creative Achievement Awards. Congratulations to all the finalists and the winners - Michael Rebelo, CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi Australia and Shaun Parker, Artistic Director, Shaun Parker & Company....

Guest Instagram Curator | Barangaroo

Guest Instagram Curator | Barangaroo

As part of Barangaroo's monthly Twilight Tours, the Barangaroo Development Authority invited me to take over their ‪‎Instagram‬ as guest curator and share my perspective live from the cruise. Here's a quote that was shared on...

Co-Director | Sydney Architecture Festival 2015

I'm excited to announce I'll be joining Claire McCaughan and Lucy Humphrey as co-directors of the Sydney Architecture Festival 2015. The Festival, now in its 9th year, is presented by the Australian Institute of Architects (NSW Chapter) and the NSW Architects...