‘A City for People’ Workshop | Wollongong

Apr 13, 2016 | Uncategorised

In partnership with Gehl Architects, Wollongong City Council (WCC) has developed ‘A City for People, Wollongong Public Spaces Public Life’, a draft strategy and action plan to revitalise and improve the City Centre.

An important component of the Strategy has been prioritising engagement and participation with a number of opportunities for staff and the wider community to provide feedback and input.

The latest engagement round included an online survey, with more than 1000 submissions, and two stakeholder workshops facilitated by JOC Consulting. JOC also developed a video snapshot of the workshops (see below) and are proud to have worked with WCC on this exciting and innovative Strategy.

Download a copy of the Strategy here.

Above video snapshot prepared by JOC Graduate, Louise Pow.


JOC Consulting Wollongong Community Engagement 1

JOC Consulting Wollongong Community Engagement 2

JOC Consulting Wollongong Community Engagement 3