Robina Town Centre Place Strategy

Mar 16, 2017 | Uncategorised

JOC Consulting recently partnered with Brickfields Consulting (the lead) to deliver a place proposition, strategy and practical implementation plan for Robina Town Centre, Gold Coast.

JOC Consulting assisted Brickfields and QIC (the client) with input on place value and vision, including the delivery of a creative workshop to capture ‘out of the box’ ideas for further investigation. We also contributed to the development of the practical implementation plan that focused on developing activations based on the key place themes in response to the future, or desired, positioning of the shopping centre.

With customer behaviours changing so rapidly (jump here for a panel our Director, John O’Callaghan, spoke at with regard to the future of retail) it was important for the project team to examine trends in retail consumption, public space design and community pride.

We look forward to seeing the practical implementation plan roll out at Robina Town Centre over the next couple of years. If you visit, let us know if you stumble upon something interesting/cool. It might have been a direction from this project.

Image courtesy HPP Architectural.