In late 2019, Penrith City Council embarked on their ‘Think Bold Kingswood Place Plan’, an ambitious strategic plan that provides a strategic framework and deliverable actions for Kingswood’s renewal over the next decade. The Plan aligns Local Government and Stakeholder initiatives with the lived challenges and experiences of the community. It outlines a vision for an innovative future that will support Kingswood in becoming a vibrant hub that meets the needs of its growing community.
JOC Consulting delivered a comprehensive Place Plan that captured the values and aspirations of the community. This process involved establishing targeted ‘Place Themes’; identifying the current character of Kingswood and layering community sentiment; research and analysis to create a future character statement outlining the community’s vision for the future.
Using these insights, we took a place-based, ‘bottoms up’ approach to planning that responds to community needs and aspirations in order to produce a document that addresses current and upcoming challenges. The plan provided direction and clear actions for improving the quality of Kingswood’s urban and strengthening local communities to play an active role in their future growth.
The preparation of the Kingswood Place Plan contributed to the successful funding from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for the ‘Live, Work, Play Grid’ initiative.
See the Kingswood Place Plan here, which is guiding the recently launched Streets as Shared Spaces project as well as the Renewing the heart of Kingswood project.