Tighes Hill Character Area – Pilot Character Study

Aug 24, 2022 | 0 comments

Character is what makes a neighbourhood unique and is the identity of a place. It encompasses the way it looks and functions. It is created by a combination of land, people, the built environment, history, culture and tradition, and looks at how these aspects interact. Global and local trends also influence these factors and have shaped places over time and will continue to have a significant influence in the future. 

The pilot Character Study for Tighes Hill will consider community preferences for how an area might change, encouraging changes that are sympathetic, so an area can retain its unique character. However, the focus will be placed on the built environment. This is described by qualities such as land uses, architectural styles, building densities, height, materials, setbacks and landscaping.JOC Consulting has been commissioned by City of Newcastle to assist with the delivery of their Pilot Character Study. The pilot will help inform the process for rolling out Character Statements across the LGA. JOC Consulting is facilitating community workshops (creating 3D models for discussion – as pictured above) and our Senior Urban Planner, Samuel Austin, has undertaken background research on the implementation of character areas and assisted Council with exploring planning considerations.

More information https://newcastle.nsw.gov.au/have-your-say/projects/local-character-study