How much do we actually know about youth culture? Or what they want and need when we design their places and build their communities?
JOC Consulting has been commissioned by Lendlease to develop a Youth Engagement Toolbox that identifies what youth want and value, what ways Lendlease can better engage with its younger residents and how to co-create opportunities that upskill and empower residents.
The Toolbox will also consider youth wellbeing and lifestyle within the context of greenfield sites around Australia and explore the different age brackets that make-up ‘youth’ (aligned with the UN we have defined this group as young people aged under 24 years old).
As part of the research we’ve also had the honour of reviewing best practice youth engagement across Australia and thank the many media, education, advocacy, design and engagement organisations that are doing great work in this space. Some of which were mentioned on this twitter thread here.
At JOC Consulting we’re passionate about meaningful and targeted engagement. At every opportunity we seek to move beyond simply informing or collecting feedback to initiatives that are experiential, education opportunities that upskill or inspire, and events that empower participants to realise their potential and help shape the future of their communities. In the past, we have delivered these goals (for youth) through incursion workshops at local schools, public art events (such as the Chair Bank project featured) and more recently, social media and Snapchat engagement.