
Our projects create long-lasting impact by combining visionary planning with robust engagement.

We help local councils, state governments, property developers and private companies create great places that connect with the heartbeat of communities.

Tighes Hill Character Area – Pilot Character Study

Tighes Hill Character Area – Pilot Character Study

Character is what makes a neighbourhood unique and is the identity of a place. It encompasses the way it looks and functions. It is created by a combination of land, people, the built environment, history, culture and tradition, and looks at how these aspects...

Smart Places Customer Charter Consultation

Smart Places Customer Charter Consultation

JOC Consulting was engaged by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and the Department of Customer Service for consultation services for the Smart Places Customer Charter. The project involved three rounds of engagement, with a heavy focus on getting...

Places of Penrith Implementation Plan

Places of Penrith Implementation Plan

PROJECT In April 2020, JOC Consulting was engaged by Penrith City Council to prepare and develop the ‘Places of Penrith’, a highly complex and comprehensive strategic review of all centres across the entire Penrith LGA. This strategy was building upon the baseline of...

Penrith Planning for Heat – Issues Paper

Penrith Planning for Heat – Issues Paper

Penrith City Council (Council) is committed to improving the liveability outcomes of urban development within the Penrith Local Government Area (LGA) to address the urban heat island (UHI) effect and a changing climate. Planning can play an important role in the...

Penrith DCP Chapters Review

Penrith DCP Chapters Review

A full review of Penrith’s DCP 2014 is currently underway, resulting from the large amount of work being undertaken through the Penrith Local Strategic Planning Statement and Local Environmental Plan Review. Other factors that have influenced the need for a DCP review...

Blacktown Place Identity and Place Framework

Blacktown Place Identity and Place Framework

In 2021 JOC Consulting was engaged by Blacktown City Council to prepare a Place Identity and Place Framework for the Blacktown City Centre, involving three rounds of engagement, both internally within Council and externally with the community. The project was highly...

Dungog Place Making Strategy

Dungog Place Making Strategy

In late 2017, JOC Consulting was commissioned by Dungog Shire Council to develop a Place Making Strategy for Dungog Town Centre as part of the NSW Government's Future Towns Program. JOC implemented an immersive approach to research and the engagement to ensure the...

Inclusive Playspaces Facilitation

Inclusive Playspaces Facilitation

Over the past few months, JOC Consulting has been assisting the NSW Government's Office of Open Space and Parklands with facilitation services for their 'Everyone Can Play Advisory Group' (ECPAG) meetings. The inspiring members that make up ECPAG have provided ongoing...

‘Art and About Sydney’ Assessment Panel

‘Art and About Sydney’ Assessment Panel

At JOC Consulting we're passionate about embedding creativity throughout our engagement and strategic projects. We're also big advocates for urban exploration and creative place making, looking to community, culture and art to help reshape or enhance underutlised...

Late-night Trading in Sydney

Late-night Trading in Sydney

The City of Sydney is reviewing the rules that control trading hours and areas for businesses opening at night in Sydney. To assist with this review, Council commissioned JOC Consulting, Cred and Micromex to deliver an Engagement Strategy across the LGA. Services have...

Robin Wiles Park Upgrade

Robin Wiles Park Upgrade

In partnership with Sprout Landscape Architecture, JOC Consulting was recently commissioned to plan, engage and develop a design for the upgrade of Robin Wiles Park at North St Marys. The project will require JOC Consulting to deliver a comprehensive and meaningful...

Engagement Pop-ups for Cultural Space across NSW

Engagement Pop-ups for Cultural Space across NSW

During the month of February, JOC Consulting is travelling across New South Wales to deliver 14 engagement pop-ups. In partnership with Left Bank Co, who are delivering stakeholder workshops, JOC Consulting has been commissioned by the NSW Government to undertake...

Jakarta Place Making Panel and Workshop

Jakarta Place Making Panel and Workshop

We delivered our first international place making workshop last week and it was a blast! JOC Consulting was invited by Conclave Wijaya and Ruang Arsitektur to speak and facilitate a workshop at CITY TALKS*. Our Director, John O'Callaghan, presented a short lecture on...

#ZigZagSyd comes to Devonshire Street!

#ZigZagSyd comes to Devonshire Street!

In partnership with Archrival, JOC Consulting is excited to be working with Transport for NSW, this time to bring #ZigZagSyd to Devonshire Street, Surry Hills. Similar to our installation at Meeks Street, Kingsford, ZigZag aims to activate unused space, improve...

Cumberland Council Workshop

Cumberland Council Workshop

Starting off 2018, JOC Consulting was asked to facilitate an internal workshop with Cumberland Council’s Culture and Activation team. The workshop presented theory on place activation and its relationship to engagement. We shared insights from recently completed...

Engaging local traders to foster a diverse evening economy

Engaging local traders to foster a diverse evening economy

JOC Consulting recently engaged businesses across Newtown, Glebe and Redfern on the City of Sydney’s newly launched Business Support Grant focussing on Night-time Diversification. The Grant offers up to $30,000 matched funding to support businesses delivering...

North Rocks Master Plan Community Engagement

North Rocks Master Plan Community Engagement

JOC Consulting recently delivered engagement services for the City of Parramatta Council to identify community needs and aspirations for the North Rocks Park Precinct Master Plan. These services included a casual drop-in session for locals, a community workshop on...

Planning Australia’s Future Grid

Planning Australia’s Future Grid

In September 2016, a powerful storm caused major blackouts across South Australia and got many people interested in the security of Australia's electricity supply. Following these events a major Australian company tapped JOC Consulting on the shoulder and commissioned...

Sydney Metro Place Activation

Sydney Metro Place Activation

JOC Consulting, in partnership with RobertsDay and The Space Agency, has been commissioned by Sydney Metro and Landcom to develop the Sydney Metro Northwest Interim Activation Framework and Strategy. The project will focus on delivering short term, temporary...

‘After Dark in the Junction’ Demonstration Events

‘After Dark in the Junction’ Demonstration Events

Over the past few weeks, we've been working with Waverley Council to deliver a series of activations as demonstration projects for the draft Evening, Culture and Entertainment Strategy. In partnership with Cred Consulting, Authority Creative and with support from...

“The project was delivered successfully – in scope, in budget and on time. What’s more, you and your team were an absolute pleasure to work with and so my sincere thanks.” – Member of the Australian House of Representatives